Data Providers

Data providers let you run the same test with multiple sets of arguments. Any TestCase implementation can have a provider, but currently they are only really first class citizens in the unit test world on Demeanor.


Data providers are set on unit tests using the @Provider annotation.

Data providers can be one of three types:

  1. A static method on the test class – @Provider(method="someMethod") or @Provider("someMethod")

  2. A function – @Provider(function="a_provider_function")

  3. Inline

    • @Provider(data=["one", "two"])
    • @Provider(data={aKey: ["data", "set"], anotherKey: "dataset"})

Static Method Data Provider

This can only be done for unit tests.

use Demeanor\TestContext;
use Counterpart\Assert;

class DataProviderMethodTest
    public static function aProvider()
        return [

     * These two are the same:
     * @Provider("aProvider")
     * @Provider(method="aProvider")
    public function testWithMethodProvider(TestContext $ctx, $arg)
        Assert::assertType('string', $arg);

Function Data Provider

use Demeanor\TestContext;
use Counterpart\Assert;

function acceptance_dataprovider_function()
    return [

// DataProviderFunctionTest.php
class DataProviderFunctionTest
     * @Provider(function="acceptance_dataprovider_function")
    public function testWithFunctionProvider(TestContext $ctx, $arg)
        Assert::assertType('string', $arg);

// some.spec.php
 * @Provider("acceptance_dataprovider_function")
$this->it('has a data provider', function (TestContext $ctx, $arg) {
    Assert::assertType('string', $arg);

Inline Data Provider


// DataProviderInlineTest.php

use Demeanor\TestContext;
use Counterpart\Assert;

class DataProviderInlineTest
     * @Provider(data=["one", "two"])
    public function testWithDataProviderAsIndexedArray(TestContext $ctx, $arg)
        Assert::assertType('string', $arg);

     * @Provider(data={aSet: "one", anotherSet: "two"})
    public function testWithDataProviderAsAssociativeArray(TestContext $ctx, $arg)
        Assert::assertType('string', $arg);

// some.spec.php
 * @Provider(["one", "two"]);
$this->it('has a data provider', function (TestContext $ctx, $arg) {
    Assert::assertType('string', $arg);

The Test Context

Notice the the test context is always the first argument to test methods. In Demeanor the context object is important, and any data provider arguments will come after it.